Nepal Minute - out of the ordinary


President Bidhya Devi Bhandari administered the oath of office and secrecy to newly appointed Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal amidst a ceremony held at the Sheetal Niwas on Monday. 
The President also administered the oath to the newly appointed three Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers. 

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Bishnu Prasad Paudel, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Narayankaji Shrestha and Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane were sworn in.

Ministers Jwalakumari Sah, Damodar Bhandari, Rajendra Kumar Rai Abdul Khan. Their duties will be assigned later.

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Earlier in the day, PM Dahal formed an eight-member cabinet, including three deputy prime ministers.

Chairman of CPN (Maoist Centre) Dahal, who was appointed as the Prime Minister on Sunday, has given Bishnu Paudel the responsibility of Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister in the Council of Ministers. This is the second time Paudel has held the finance portfolio. 

Similarly, Narayankaji Shrestha is the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport. Shrestha, who was also the senior vice-president of the Maoist Centre, had previously held the responsibilities of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs. 

Chairman of Rastriya Swatantra Party Ravi Lamichhane is the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs. 


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