
Jun 21, 2022
Can Nepali Army turn Everest and other peaks garbage free?
After the two-month-long operation involving 30 army personnel and 48 Sherpa climbers nearly 34 tons...

Jun 15, 2022
Balen Shah’s biggest challenge: Ending Kathmandu’s garbage crisis. Here’re possible solutions:
Kathmandu and other municipalities in the valley discharge around 1200 tons of garbage every single...

Jun 14, 2022
Despite floods, Bagmati squatters don't want to leave their riverside homes
The squatters living on the Bagmati banks in Thapathali area say they want a piece...

Jun 05, 2022
Bird species with worsening odds for their survival signal wider environmental problems
The National Red List of Nepal's Birds, published by the Zoological Society of London in...